Join us at the Windswept Acres Sheep Shed for a fiber fix.
Final opening of 2024
Saturday December 14th, 10AM to 3PM, Pittstown NJ!!
Last chance for locally made holiday gifts! Looking for a unique holiday gift or local NJ fiber products? Come to our Local Fiber Farm Market!
How about a blanket made with 100% NJ wool? The NJ Blanket!!!
Or a subscription to a fiber club which sends you packages of locally grown yarns? Windswept Sheep and Dancing Waters Farm both have yarns included in this year’s Two River Fiber’s Fibershare.
Also available are sheepskins, roving, fleeces, local honey, charcuterie/cutting boards and bird houses made from local hardwoods!
#windsweptsheep #localfiber #localfiberfarms #localfiberarts #localfiberfarm #tworiverfiber #fibershare
Cornerstone farms vending and organizing guests, demos and classes are:
Windswept Sheep -NJ Wool fleeces, roving, yarn & sheepskins from Sue’s flock of natural colored and white Romney and Dorset sheep and NJ Blankets. Plus meet the sheep!

Dancing Waters Farm – natural colored and hand dyed NJ mohair/ wool roving, tops & yarn from Andrea’s Angora goats and sheep, plus catnip and NJ Blankets.

Other NJ Fibershed members vending include:
- Willow Pond Farm – Sue’s raw natural colored and white NJ wool fleeces (Gotland, Jacob)

Plus other local products (farm and artisans):
- G.P.K Woodcrafts & Restorations – Gregg’s locally made cutting and charcuterie boards, wooden vases and bird houses (all made from locally sourced hard woods – maple, ash, walnut)

- Glass artist – Bonnie’s handcrafted, one-of-a-kind pressed glass sun-catchers

- Honey – Mountain Valley
Guests, demos and classes will be announced via Instagram (@windsweptsheep) and on Dancing Waters Farm website ( as they are scheduled.
Please stop by to talk fiber and meet the sheep (they eat animal crackers)! Our goal for opening the Sheep Shed is to connect local to local.
Address: 173 Whitebridge Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867
#localfibernj #localfiberarts #localfiberfarms #windsweptsheep #dancingwatersfarm