Tops – Late Summer Garden – Hand Painted

Tops Hand Dyed Late Spring Garden

Description: Combed semi-worsted fibers. Tops are the best fiber prep you can buy as the fibers are all the same length and extremely clean, no VM. Hand painted. 67% kid mohair, 33% wool. Pic shows the 4 bundles created. Color varies slightly between bundles as they are hand painted.
Color: Late Summer Garden (Blues and purples, yellow, reds)
Fiber Content: Mohair: DWF’s Rose, Jasmine, Thelma
Wool: Shetland, Phoenix Farms, WI
Type (Processor): Semi-worsted Top (Zeilinger’s, MI)
Quantity (Pounds): 3 – 2 oz. bundles (6 oz total created)
Price: $10/2 ounce bundle plus shipping


Tops – Mid Summer Garden – Hand Painted

Top Hand Painted Mid Summer Garden

Description: Combed semi-worsted fibers. Tops are the best fiber prep you can buy as the fibers are all the same length and extremely clean, no VM. Hand painted. 67% kid mohair, 33% wool. Pic shows the 4 bundles created. Color varies slightly between bundles as they are hand painted.
Color: Mid Summer Garden (Red, yellow, orange, green, blue, white)
Fiber Content: Mohair: DWF’s Rose, Jasmine, Thelma
Wool: Shetland, Phoenix Farms, WI
Type (Processor): Semi-worsted Top (Zeilinger’s, MI)
Quantity (Pounds): 4 – 2 oz. bundles (8 oz total created)
Price: $10/2 ounce bundle plus shipping


Tops – Descent into the Blues – Hand Painted

Top Hand Painted Descent Into the Blues

Description: Combed semi-worsted fibers. Tops are the best fiber prep you can buy as the fibers are all the same length and extremely clean, no VM. Hand painted. 67% kid mohair, 33% wool. Pic shows the 4 bundles created. Color varies slightly between bundles as they are hand painted.
Color: Descent into the Blues (Blues and purples, some white)
Fiber Content: Mohair: DWF’s Rose, Jasmine, Thelma
Wool: Shetland, Phoenix Farms, WI
Type (Processor): Semi-worsted Top (Zeilinger’s, MI)
Quantity (Pounds): 4 – 2 oz. bundles (8 oz total created)
Price: $10/2 ounce bundle plus shipping


Tops – Hello Yellow – Hand Kettle Dyed

Description: Combed semi-worsted fibers. Tops are the best fiber prep you can buy as the fibers are all the same length and extremely clean, no VM. Hand kettle dyed. 67% kid mohair, 33% wool. Pic shows the 8 bundles created.
Color: Hello Yellow (Bright yellow – green)
Fiber Content: Mohair: DWF’s Rose, Jasmine, Thelma
Wool: Shetland, Phoenix Farms, WI
Type (Processor): Semi-worsted Top (Zeilinger’s, MI)
Quantity (Pounds): 8 – 2 oz. bundles (1# total created)
Price: $8/2 ounce bundle plus shipping


Roving – Eat Your Greens – Lettuce – Hand Kettle Dyed



Kale rolled into a ball

Lettuce rolled into a ball

Celery rolled into a ball

Kale unrolled

Lettuce unrolled

Celery unrolled

Description: Kale is the darkest of the “Eat Your Greens” rovings that were hand kettle dyed after carding.
Lettuce is in between Kale and Celery in color, while Celery is the palest of the “Eat Your Greens” rovings.
75% kid mohair – 25% Blue Faced Leicester
Color: Shades of bright crisp green which become lighter as you move further into the ~1 pound roving ball. Celery has yellow notes near the center of the ball.
Fiber Content: Mohair (kid): DWF’s Rose, Jasmine, Thelma:
Wool: Blue Faced Leicester: DWF’s Esmerelda
Type (Processor): Roving (Frankenmuth, MI)
Quantity (Pounds): 1 of each colorway (1 pound each roving)
Price: $40 plus shipping.



Chair Seats – Cats Who’ve Owned Me Series – 3

This chair seat is called “Rori Shows Her Belly” and shows Rori on a rug in a typical “scratch my belly” pose.  The design is based on one of my photos of her.

I used my homespun and millspun hand dyed yarns, all of which are wool/ mohair blends (details).  The backing is 100% cotton 13×13 epi Monk’s Cloth.

The rug Rori is laying on is made of 4 different green millspun yarns.

Back of Chair Seat

Rori and Sandy

Front of Chair Seat
Before Finishing


Details came out better with the more enlarged size of the cat.  Also, contrast is key to making small details visible.  The 13×13 epi Monk’s cloth worked much better than the looser version designed for embroidery.

Yarns Used

Info on the yarns used is given below.  The picture links to the full description and creation details for the yarn where available.

Rug: Pearl Green kettle hand dyed (before carding) millspun.
Forest Dreams hand dyed (before carding) millspun. Designed to look like a forest at a distance for use in weaving and rug hooking.
Aquatics hand dyed (before carding) millspun. Designed to look like pond water for use in weaving and rug hooking.
Green with Envy hand dyed (before carding) millspun.
 Rori:   Since natural black isn’t readily available in mohair (black mohair is  dark grey at best) I bought a skein of  Brown Sheep’s Lamb’s Pride Worsted Onyx from Alpaca Direct as they had the best price when I was shopping.  It is a USA made 15% mohair/ 85% wool single ply yarn.
Yarn Sport White Millspun 2 Ply 59% Mohair 31% Shetland Wool - Sold by the Pound I also used mill spun natural DWF white mohair/ wool yarn for Rori’s tummy patches. Sport White Millspun 2 Ply 59% Mohair 31% Shetland Wool.
Coreopsis Yarn Eyes: Coreopsis hand dyed (after spinning) millspun. This yarn is shades of yellow with sections of yellow and white designed to stripe. I used a small amount from a section of yellows.
Yarn Dark Grey DK 2Ply Millspun 68% Mohair 32% Shetland, Blue Faced Leciester Wool - By the Pound A small amount of  Natural Dark Grey DK 2Ply Millspun 68% Mohair 32% Shetland, Blue Faced Leicester Wool was used to create depth around the chin line and between the toes.
  Edging: Iris Millspun Yarn Iris – Hand Dyed (After Spinning) Millspun
 Lettering:  Ooops!  Forgot it on this one so  embroidered on the back.













Chair Seats – Cats Who’ve Owned Me Series – 2

This chair seat is called “Nap Time” and features Sandy and Rori napping against the night sky.  The design is based on my photos of the two napping on my bed.  I’m experimenting with different colors and textures of yarn to find the best for picturing the cats.

I used my homespun and millspun hand dyed yarns, all of which are wool/ mohair blends (details).  The backing is 100% cotton Monk’s Cloth.  I used 8×8 epi cloth since I’d already washed the fabric and drawn the design on this cloth found in my stash.  The next chair seat will use the new 13 epi cloth I ordered as it is designed for rug hooking and should make the hooking go more quickly and efficiently.

I designed Starry Nights roving with various blues, purple and black with bits of yellow to look like the night sky in weaving and rug hooking.  This “rug” used a lot of it as I went with a fairly simple background so the one skein I had spun was not enough!  Had to stop and spin another skein when I was nearly finished.  Oh well, it means I’ll have some ready for another fiber project.

Nap Time - Chair Seat

“Nap Time” in progress. Moon, sky and part of Sandy shown.


Starry Nights Roving

Starry Nights roving and 1 ply on bobbin.


“Nap Time” Completed

Back Side Showing Closeup of Modified Cat Faces

Sandy and Rori

Sandy and Rori – the cats being depicted

Closeup of Cat Faces on Right Side Before Re-hooking


For this size “rug” (roughly 16″ x 14″), the subjects need to fill the space as much as possible for any detail to show and look right.  I’m trying to find an easier way to enlarge my drawings than redrawing from scratch based on a grid.  I looked at buying on overhead projector or enlarger but they are fairly expensive and my scanner/ copier doesn’t enlarge.  Still working on this.

Cats aren’t brown, but orange isn’t right either.  I may have to design a roving or yarn that will give me the greyed orange with cream stripes that says tiger cat to me. In the first chair seat I used tweed yarn and it gave a nice random tan and white color to the cat.  In this one I used a hand spun with random brown and white color changes.  The way the colors fell gave a stripe to Sandy’s back and mostly brown elsewhere.  With some planning I could create stripes where they are wanted but it would take a bit of work.

Black is also tough to re-create as mohair isn’t really black except in new born kids, it turns to grey, so it would have to be dyed to get that color.  Additionally, shades of black would be needed to allow any details of the cat to be seen.  The size of the rug makes the addition of whiskers pointless – they would either not be visible or take up a disproportional amount of space versus the rest of the body.  The eyes were an issue too because of their proper size in relation to the entire body.  Since the smallest object that can be hooked is 3 punches with the needle, that fixes the eye size in relation to the rest of the design.  In this case the eyes seem too big for the body.

On to Chair Seat number 3!

Yarns Used

Info on the yarns used is given below.  The picture links to the full description and creation details for the yarn where available.

Sky: Starry Nights Roving Starry Nights hand dyed (before carding) roving. Designed to look like the night sky (variegated blues, purples, black and bits of yellow) for use in weaving and rug hooking.
 Moon: Coreopsis Yarn  Coreopsis hand dyed (after spinning) millspun.  This yarn is shades of yellow with sections of yellow and white designed to stripe.  I used a small amount from a section of yellows.
 Cats: Brown and white random color hand spun skein from a (stash) roving grab bag for Sandy.

Since natural black isn’t readily available in mohair, I bought a skein of  Brown Sheep’s Lamb’s Pride Worsted Onyx from Alpaca Direct as they had the best price when I was shopping.  It is a USA made 15% mohair/ 85% wool single ply yarn.  I used this yarn for the black cat (Rori).

Yarn Sport White Millspun 2 Ply 59% Mohair 31% Shetland Wool - Sold by the Pound I also used a mall amount hand spun natural DWF white mohair/ wool yarn for Rori’s white paws and stomach patches. Sport White Millspun 2 Ply 59% Mohair 31% Shetland Wool.
Yarn Dark Grey DK 2Ply Millspun 68% Mohair 32% Shetland, Blue Faced Leciester Wool - By the Pound A small amount of  Natural Dark Grey DK 2Ply Millspun 68% Mohair 32% Shetland, Blue Faced Leicester Wool was used to create depth in Rori, around the chin line and the inside of the ears.
  Edging: Iris Millspun Yarn Iris – Hand Dyed (After Spinning) Millspun
 Lettering:  A small amount of hand spun, turkey baster hand dyed roving (white with small amounts of orange and blue) was used.

A ball of roving was soaked in water for an hour, then injected with colors using a turkey baster, heated to boiling for 30 minutes to set the colors, then washed before hand spinning.
























Chair Seats – Cats Who’ve Owned Me Series – 1

Since I can’t take the afternoon heat lately, I’ve been working (finally) on a set of chair seats in honor of cats who have owned me.  The first one (described in this post) is Sandy and Rori looking out the window.  I used my homespun and millspun hand dyed yarns, all of which are wool/ mohair blends (details).  The backing is 100% cotton Monk’s Cloth.

I designed Blue Skies yarn with variegated blues and a bit of white here and there to look like the sky in weaving and rug hooking.  Similarly I designed Forest Dreams with primarily greens and a bit of blue to be used in weaving and rug hooking for broad expanses of trees or a forest with just a hint of sky poking through.  Here it is used for carpeting or a reflection of the outside grass.


View from the House Chair Seat

“View from the House” Chair Seat

View From the House Chair Seat - Closeup of Sky, Clouds and Bird

Closeup of Sky, Clouds and Bird

View from the House Chair Seat - Closeup of Grass and Edging

Closeup of Grass and Edging


For this size “rug” (roughly 16″ x 14″), not much detail will show.  Next in the series will  be designed with less detail and the lettering will be made larger to show more clearly.

The Monk’s Cloth used was found hiding in my fabric stash (price was right!), but since it was 8×8 epi it was difficult to use for rug hooking.  The design came out but it took more time and yarn than it should have because the yarn did not always stick into the fabric evenly.  It was also hard to get the tension correct.  After some searching I located 12-13 epi cotton Monk’s Cloth and ordered some for the rest of the series.  The best price I found was from Earth Guild at $14/ yard (60 inch wide).  The 8epi cloth was $4/ yard!  It was not easy to find the right epi cloth because most web sites don’t list epi in the description.

Yarns Used

Info on the yarns used is given below.  The picture links to the full description and creation details for the yarn where available.

Sky: Sky Blue Millspun Yarn  Sky Blue Hand Dyed (After Spinning) Millspun. Designed to look like sky with variegated blues for use in weaving and rug hooking.
 Grass:  Forest Dreams  Forest Dreams Hand Dyed (Before Spinning) Millspun. Designed to look like trees/ forest with variegated green and a touch of blue for use in weaving and rug hooking.
 Cats:  Yarn Worsted Tan White Tweed 2Ply Millspun 68% Mohair 32% Wool - Sold by the Pound Tan White Tweed (for Sandy) Natural Color Millspun.
Since natural black isn’t readily available in mohair (black mohair is  dark grey at best) I bought a skein of  Brown Sheep’s Lamb’s Pride Worsted Onyx from Alpaca Direct as they had the best price when I was shopping.  It is a USA made 15% mohair/ 85% wool single ply yarn.  I used this yarn for the black cat (Rori).
Clouds: Yarn Sport White Millspun 2 Ply 59% Mohair 31% Shetland Wool - Sold by the Pound Small amount hand spun natural DWF white mohair/ wool yarn. Sport White Millspun 2 Ply 59% Mohair 31% Shetland Wool.
 Edging: Iris Millspun Yarn  Iris – Hand Dyed (After Spinning) Millspun
 Birds: Yarn Dark Grey DK 2Ply Millspun 68% Mohair 32% Shetland, Blue Faced Leciester Wool - By the Pound  Natural Dark Grey DK 2Ply Millspun 68% Mohair 32% Shetland, Blue Faced Leicester Wool
 Lettering and Cloud Outlining:  Small amount of hand spun, turkey baster hand dyed roving (white with small amounts of orange and blue).  A ball of roving was soaked in water for an hour, then injected with colors using a turkey baster, heated to boiling for 30 minutes to set the colors, then washed before hand spinning.

















Cat Toys

I make cat toys for my cats by hand kniting or felting my fibers and filling them with catnip grown on the farm.  I also put a nut such as an almond inside to give it a little weight.  Jasper and Ozzie love them!

$5/ toy plus shipping.

Contact me for a quote with shipping included based on your location.

Fleece Locks

Fleeces with lock structure are available for use as doll’s hair, Santa’s Beards or art yarn/ tail spinning. Lock length is ~4 inches.

Hand washed adult/young adult mohair: $4/ounce  for doll’s hair/Santa Beards

Machine washed adult/young adult mohair (some loss of lock structure): $2/ounce  for spinning, natural white and grey as well as dyed colors

Hand washed (Blue Faced Leicester) wool: $2/ounce for spinning or doll’s hair/Santa’s Beards – natural colors only: white, greys, browns

It is very difficult to keep locks intact through the washing process particularly if the raw fleece contains any VM.  My standard washing process includes prewashing to remove the dirt and some of the grease (lanolin in wool), followed by hand picking to remove most of the VM, followed by a final wash to remove all (or nearly all) of the remaining grease.  Washing is done in a washing machine for soaking and spinning (ie- no agitation).  This gives an extremely clean fleece that can be spun directly from the fleece.  The less VM in the original fleece, the less damage there is to the lock structure.  Most fleeces are not clean enough to produce clean intact locks.  Only fleeces with low VM and good lock structure are hand washed to retain as much lock structure as possible.  That’s why locks are so expensive and why they are not always available.   I will sell raw locks if you want to wash them yourself at a substantial discount.

Contact me based on your project needs (amount, type, your location) for availability and a quote.

Currently noo fleeces available.

Mohair Fleeces

Mohair Fleeces

Bella BFL Fleece

Bella BFL Fleece